10th National Conference Explores the Role of Social Networking in the Present Era

August 24, 2013

The 10th National Conference – GJ NatConMITE 2013, held on August 24, 2013, at Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology (GJIMT), Mohali, provided a dynamic platform for discussing the transformative impact of social networking in today’s world.

The conference brought together industry experts, academicians, and students to deliberate on the influence of social media in various domains, including business, education, and personal communication. Panelists explored the evolving trends in social networking, its potential to drive innovation, and its ability to foster global connectivity.

Discussions highlighted the strategic use of social media for branding, marketing, and outreach, as well as its challenges, such as privacy concerns and ethical usage. The participants emphasized the growing need for leveraging social platforms responsibly to maximize their benefits while mitigating risks.

The event underscored GJIMT’s commitment to staying at the forefront of contemporary trends and preparing students to navigate and harness the power of digital communication. The conference concluded with actionable insights, equipping attendees with innovative ideas to integrate social networking effectively into their personal and professional spheres.

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