Call for Papers: 15th National Conference

We are organizing 15th National Conference on Management, Information Technology and Engineering –Recent Trends and Contemporary Issues (GJ-NatConMITE 2018) on Friday, 24th August, 2018 at GJIMT, Phase 2, Mohali, India. This conference aims to provide an opportunity to the researchers, academicians, scientists, engineers, and scholar students in all areas of Management, Information Technology and Engineering for the dissemination of original research outcomes, innovative ideas and practical development experiences with emphasis on both theory and practice. The conference is an attempt to provide a platform to address issues that are impacting Management, Information Technology and Engineering. Selected papers will be published online in Gian Jyoti E-Journal (ISSN-2250-348X) available at


Papers describing original works in all the aspects of the conference theme are invited on the following topics:

Track-A: Management

  1. Conceptual and Theoretical Aspects of Management
  2. Organizations Management
  3. Technology Management
  4. Production and Operations Management
  5. Project and Quality Management
  6. Supply Chain Management
  7. Financial Management
  8. Technology Transfer and Management
  9. Marketing Management
  10. Supply Chain Management
  11. Disaster Management
  12. Hospitality Management
  13. Knowledge Management
  14. Social Issues in Management
  15. Small Scale Business Management
  16. Management in Emerging Economies
  17. Social Media Management
  18. Any other related areas pertaining to any issue which is related to management aspects.

Track B: Information Technology

  1. Business Intelligence
  2. Cloud Computing
  3. Communication Technologies
  4. Communications and Networking
  5. Computational Science and Technology
  6. Cyber Security
  7. Data Base Management
  8. Data Mining and Data fusion
  9. Digital Communication, Regulation and Social Action
  10. Multimedia and Security
  11. Software Engineering
  12. Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
  13. Information Retrieval, Natural Language Processing, and Ontology
  14. Software Engineering and Software Development
  15. Telecommunication and Networks
  16. Visual Communication
  17. Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing
  18. Other topics related to IT and its Applications


Track C: Engineering

  1. Electrical Engineering
  2. Electronics Engineering
  3. Instrumentation Engineering
  4. Industrial Engineering
  5. Mechanical Engineering
  6. Bio-Medical Engineering
  7. Environmental Engineering
  8. Nano-Technology
  9. Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
  10. Chemical Engineering
  11. Engineering Economics
  12. Other Engineering Related Topics


(This is an indicative list. Contributions from areas not listed above but related to the conference theme can also be considered.)


  1. Last Date for Abstracts : 25th July 2018
  2. Notification of Acceptance : 06th August, 2018
  3. Acceptance of Abstracts : 29th July 2018
  4. Last Date of Registration : 18th August, 2018
  5. Paper Submission : 1st August 2018
  6. Date of Conference : 24th August, 2018


  1. No fee shall be charged in case a paper is written by ONE author.
  2. In case of papers having more than ONE author, the principal/corresponding author will NOT be charged any fee. Other author/authors will be charged Rs. 500/- each.
  3. Fee for presentation in absentia shall be Rs. 1000/-. Spouse/guest participation fee shall be Rs. 500.

15th National Conference on Management


Mr. Sanjay K. Aggarwal
Ms. Pooja Pandey

National Conference Coordinators
Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology
Phase 2, Mohali – 160055
Punjab, India.
Mobile – (094171-69369), (079867-28534)

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