Life Skills 101: A seminar on Flourishing in the Contemporary Era

Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology conducted a workshop on February 6, 2024. It was well attended by 100 students and Faculty members. The workshop was inaugurated by the Director, Dr. Aneet Bedi.

In the workshop it was emphasized that the Life skills education promotes mental well-being in young people and equips them to face the realities of life. By supporting mental well-being and behavioral preparedness, life skills education equips individuals to behave in a pro-social ways and it is additionally health giving. Self-awareness and Empathy, Critical thinking and Creative Thinking. Decision making and Problem Solving forms the Core of life skills. It helps people to cope with the problems of stress and emotions.

The participants found the workshop very useful and informative. The workshop ended by giving the vote of thanks to the key speaker.

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