Change Makers Unite: Harnessing the Power of Social Entrepreneurship

Training and Placement Cell hosted a highly anticipated seminar titled “Change Makers Unite: Harnessing the Power of Social Entrepreneurship” in the Auditorium from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Dr. Urvashi Sahni, a distinguished figure in the field, served as the keynote speaker for the event. The seminar started with the floral welcome of the guest by Dr. Aneet Bedi, Director, GJIMT, Mohali.

Dr Neeraj Sharma, Dean of Academics briefed that the seminar aims to provide students with valuable insights into the realm of social entrepreneurship, emphasizing its significance for both academic and professional growth. He speaks about the students with insights into the realm of social entrepreneurship, enhancing their understanding of its significance in both academic and professional spheres. He also inspires the students by showcasing successful social entrepreneurial initiatives and the transformative impact they have on communities.

Dr. Sahni delivered an engaging discourse, highlighting successful case studies, effective implementation strategies, and the pivotal role of youth in driving social change.

The seminar fostered an environment of inspiration and empowerment, encouraging students to become proactive agents of positive transformation in society. Attendees actively participated in discussions, reflecting a keen interest in the topic.

Mr. Gurdeepak, Director of Placement & International Admission concluded the seminar that its objectives of educating, inspiring, and empowering students to become change makers through social entrepreneurship. It provided a platform for meaningful dialogue and learning, contributing to the academic and professional development of the attendees.

For any further queries or clarifications, students were directed to contact Mr. Shami Bhatia, the Training and Placement Officer. Overall, the seminar proved to be a resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on the academic and professional development of the attendees.

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