Campus Cruiser 2023

28th July,2023 marked the day when the college was flooded with the young energy of the new batch at GJIMT. The cheerful and infectious enthusiasm of the students marked their illuminating beginning to learning. The session took place in the college auditorium, where the incoming freshmen gathered with a mixture of anticipation, excitement, and a hint of nervousness.

The Team at GJIMT aimed to create a warm and friendly atmosphere that would help students get to know each other better. The room buzzed with a palpable energy as students took their seats, chatting with their neighbours and exchanging smiles.

To break the ice, the faculty members initiated a series of interactive activities like zumba sessions, lemon race, games of resilience and fun games that not only introduced the students to each other but also showcased their unique personalities and talents. To thwart ‘The First Day of College’ jitters, faculty members compassionately engaged all the students to keep them at ease from the awkwardness of independently striking up conversations. As the students left the auditorium, the air was filled with excitement and a renewed sense of confidence. The event concluded with a campus tour and yummy refreshments.

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