18th International Conference hosted by GJIMT

20th Dec 2024

The 18th International Conference (GJ-IntConMITE 2024) is all over the news. It was held virtually on December 20, 2024, at GJIMT, focusing on “Leadership in the Age of Disruption.” The event brought together academics and industry experts from across India to discuss the evolving challenges and opportunities in leadership.

Keynote speaker Dr. Yanki Hartijasti, Associate Professor at Universitas Indonesia, shared valuable insights on navigating disruptions through adaptive strategies and resilient leadership. Mr. J.S. Bedi, Chairman of GJIMT, and Dr. Aneet Bedi, Director of GJIMT, emphasized the importance of innovation and technology in shaping future leaders.

With over 20 presentations, the conference fostered vibrant discussions and networking. Dr. Aneet Bedi concluded the event by announcing the 21st National Conference (GJ-NatConMITE 2025) on June 6, 2025, themed “India’s Economic Evolution: Balancing Global Competition, Innovation, and Sustainable Growth.”

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