Commencement of Online Classes from 12th April 2021

Keeping the safety of our students as top priority and following the SOP of Covid-19, GJIMT commenced its online classes for the even semester from 12th April 2021 for all the courses.

To make it comprehensive for the students, the content will be provided in digital form using e-books, e-notes, case studies and online assignments and projects. The classes will be conducted using MS-Teams.

GJIMT has also provided the online Library access to all the students to avail e-book service on request with concerned subject Incharges.

The students are instructed to attend the classes through online mode until further notice.

Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology urges everyone to strictly follow the guidelines and social distancing norms and contribute to controlling the Covid-19 spread.

Dr. Aneet Bedi
Director, GJIMT

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