Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology cum Orientation Program for the New Students

Mohali 5th August 2019

Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology organized induction cum orientation program for the students of new session 2019 at its campus in Phase-2, Mohali. Over 200 students of 1st year pertaining to BBA, BCA, MBA & MCA attended the session and got the insight about their new educational journey at Gian Jyoti. Mr. J.S.Bedi, Chairman, Gian Jyoti Group of Institutions presided over the session.

Mr. J.S.Bedi, Chairman, Gian Jyoti Group of Institutions welcomed all
the budding managers and techno professionals to the orientation program with special reference to international students and gave his blessing to all of them.

Mr. Bedi further said that the induction process is an important tool for an educational institute to be effective. Proper induction can result in establishing clear foundation and setting futuristic objective in a learner.
He also assured to all the students that the faculty of Gian Jyoti will strive hard and leave no stone unturned for the overall development of each one of you. He emphasized that hard work is the only key to fulfil your aims & goals.

During the proceedings students were informed about the main rules and regulations of the college academic calendar & were advised to follow it vigorously.

Dr. Aneet Bedi, Director, Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology while speaking on the occasion urged students to follow the path of self-morality and motivated them to achieve all-round excellence. Dr. Bedi further elaborated that such programs would go a long way in understanding the academic environment of the college.

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