Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology organized a Seminar on “International Financial Market”

Mohali 30th Sept 2019

Finance Club of Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology organized a Seminar on “International Financial Market” at its campus in Phase-2, Mohali. Prof. A.K.Vashisht , Professor at University Business School, Punjab University was the Key Note Speaker on the occasion. Mr. J.S.Bedi, Chairman, Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology presided over the function.

Prof. A.K.Vashisht , Professor at University Business School, Punjab University discuss about major components of International Financial Market International Financial System, Foreign exchange market, Euro currency market, Euro bond market and International stock market. Prof. Vashisth also discussed about the results in flows of capital from developed to developing countries.

Prof. Vashisht further discussed about the patterns of net capital flows to emerging market economies. He highlighted that markets had grown vigorously during the seventies and pioneered a number of innovative funding techniques. , the expert also discussed various kinds of major transactions, Instruments, participants and regulators.

Mr. J.S.Bedi, Chairman, Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology presented the vote of thanks and thanked Prof. Vashisht for sharing his valuable thoughts on “International Financial Market”.

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