Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology Organized Seminar on World Blood Donor Day

World Blood Donor Day Gian Jyoti Image 1

Mohali 14 June 2019

Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology, Mohali organized a seminar on the occasion of ‘World Blood Donor Day’ at its campus. Students, Faculty and Management of the GJIMT participated in the seminar. Mr. J.S. Bedi, Chairman, GJIMT presided over the event.

Mr. J.S. Bedi, Chairman, GJIMT while speaking on the occasion said that World Blood Donor Day is celebrated every year on the day of birthday anniversary of Karl Landsteiner. He created the ABO blood group system, which is still used today to ensure the safety of blood transfusions. He said a unit of blood donated can save the life of someone who needs it. The blood donated does not affect our health, if we donate even after every six months. There are individuals who have donated blood for more than hundred times in their life and are still healthier.

Mr. Bedi Further Added that we thank all the blood donors who save lives every day through their blood donations. He further requested everyone to inspire more people all over to donate blood voluntarily. World Blood Donor Day celebration brings a precious opportunity to all donors for celebrating it on national and global level, he added. He also mentioned that GJIMT is having blood donation camp every year from past fifteen years and will try to continue in future also.


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