Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology Organized Talent Hunt-Parakh 2019

Mohali 7th Sept 2019

Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology organized Talent Hunt-Parakh 2019 at its campus in Phase-2, Mohali. All first year students of BBA, BCA, MCA, MBA participated in cultural extravaganza.

The day started with seeking the blessings of Goddess Saraswati and the lighting of the lamp.

The event entered into a joyous state with the colorful & energetic performances by the participants. Students performed, Western Dance, Bhangra and many other performances included Lok geet/solo song (Punjabi/Hindi/English), Rap, War of Words (Antaakshri) and Rangoli.

Dr. Aneet Bedi, Director, Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology appreciated the efforts and enthusiasm of the student community. Dr. Bedi said that such events provide a platform to the students to showcase their talent and share their knowledge in various cultural, technical and intellectual fields.

Dr. Bedi further added that active participation in such cultural and professional activities mitigates the stress level of the students and thereby this gives motivation to their overall personality grooming which has a special role to play in their professional life in the coming time.

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