Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology organizes Blood Donation Camp

Mohali 24th Sept 2019

GianJyotians donated 133 units of blood during the blood donation camp organized by Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology in collaborations with Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER, Chandigarh) and Loins Club, Mohali. Sh. Balbir Singh Sidhu, Health and Family Welfare and Labour, Minister was the Chief Guest on this occasion and inaugurated the camp. Mr. J.S.Bedi, Chairman, Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology presided over the event.

The camp was coordinated by Retractors, NSS Volunteers, NCC cadets, staff and management of Gian Jyoti.

A team from PGI was headed by Dr. Anita, Assistant Blood Transfusion officer PGI conducted the camp. Dr. Anita said that it’s been many years now that we are coming to Gian Jyoti for the blood donation camp and every time we feel proud and happy by seeing the enthusiasm of students and staffs of Gian Jyoti for this noble cause of donating blood. Dr. Anita also said that we are glad to see that International students of Gian Jyoti have donated the blood. It is very heartening to see that Gian Jyoti staff have motivated to the youngsters for this noble cause by setting an example by donating themselves.

Sh. Balbir Singh Sidhu, Health and Family Welfare and Labour, Minister said that worldwide millions of lives get saved every year because of blood collected by blood banks through such blood donation camps. Much more can be saved if we can popularize this habit among the youth and can develop a habit to do it regularly. He praised those people who donated the blood, one feel good and satisfied once they donated the blood. Mr. Sidhu congratulated the staff and students of Gian Jyoti for holding this camp.

Mr. J.S.Bedi, Chairman, Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology said the blood donation camp is an annual feature in Gian Jyoti. These camps not only provide blood to the blood banks, but also help those people who are suffering from thalassemia and leukemia and who need blood infusions frequently to save their life. During the blood donation camp donors were given certificates, badages and donor cards along with refreshments.

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