“Intern Appreciation Luncheon” – A Unique Collaboration

Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology, Mohali, took a significant step towards bridging the Industry-Academia Gap by organizing a special camp and hosting a unique intervention titled the “Intern Appreciation Luncheon” on September 8, 2023. This ground-breaking event celebrated the successful collaboration with industry stalwarts, addressing the emerging challenges related to internships, placements, and various aspects of student development.

The event was graced by the presence of our Hon’ble Chairman, Shri J.S. Bedi Ji, who chaired the proceedings and shared his invaluable insights on the pressing concerns. The audience was a diverse blend, including esteemed academicians, corporate leaders, and aspiring professionals, including students from various programs such as MBA, MCA, BBA, and BCA, both in their final year and mid-semester/year.

The highlight of the day was the open interaction that took place over a sumptuous lunch hosted by Director Dr. Aneet Bedi Mam. It was an occasion where ideas flowed as freely as conversations, and learning was as satisfying as the delicacies served.

The “Intern Appreciation Luncheon” was not just a meal but a platform for progress, where ideas met action and collaboration was celebrated. It exemplified how academia and industry can work hand-in-hand to empower the future workforce and prepare them for success.

Join GJIMT now and jump start your career with strong foundation and life long placements!