Sports Day

GJIMT came alive with spirited enthusiasm on its Sports Day, a vibrant celebration of athleticism and camaraderie. The campus resonated with the cheers and laughter of participants engaged in a plethora of games, including volleyball, badminton, kho kho, basketball and the exhilarating tag of war.

Adding an extra layer of excitement, the games were accompanied by lively commentary, providing a dynamic narrative to the unfolding sporting drama. The campus echoed the play-by-play descriptions, creating an immersive experience for everyone present.

Acknowledging the dedication and sportsmanship of the participants, Chairman Sh. JS Bedi and Director Dr Aneet Bedi took centre stage to felicitate the winners. Their presence added prestige to the occasion, and as they handed out awards, they not only recognized individual achievements but also emphasized the importance of sports in fostering teamwork, discipline, and a healthy competitive spirit.

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