Workshop on ‘Be Socially Intelligent’

8 November 2016

Gian Jyoti Institute of Management and Technology organized a workshop on ‘Be Socially Intelligent’ at its campus. Dr. Sandeep Atre, Founder-Director of Socialigence was the key note speaker on the occasion.

Dr. Atre while interacting with students said, the biggest challenge today is that people are transacting more at thought ‘level’ and are not able to connect at ‘emotion’ level; while the reality is that beneath our thoughts, the real shapers of our lives are our emotions – they call the shots, trigger our reactions, and influence our choices.

Dr. Atre further said Social Intelligence can be defined as ‘Observing nonverbal behavior and understanding emotions for greater interpersonal effectiveness and self-management’ and Reading faces for spotting emotions.

Dr. Atre also talked about benefits of social intelligence. He said managers can use these skills to better understand their team-members emotions and thus can motivate them timely. Recruiters can use these skills to assess the applicants more effectively

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